Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ringgit is the second best performance currency in the world for 2010

Congratulation to Malaysian, we won soccer after 14 years and our RM performed at the best since 1973. Thank to the weakened of USD and new economic power such as BRIC, New Tiger and EU and not to mentioned GULF slowly stop using USD as their major trade currency. I should say may be in 2011 our RM will be back to 2.60 per 1USD next year. 
Even with the increase of oil price, GOVT please do not take advantage to increase our fuel price, since our RM appreciate again dollar, so the increment on oil price can be set off by the appreciation of  RM. 


For those wanna be Mr.Soros buy RM look at the support of RM3.07, it look like to me it will break soon. May be stop listen to all those what so call Guru and buy this book to learn.

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